Wednesday, May 03, 2006

st.laurance's church, hawkhurst, kent

a curiosity ... all the church windows were blown out when a german flying bomb exploded in the churchyard in 1944 ... the restoration was celebrated in 1957 & so this church has a posh set of big nearly new windows, though i didn't find them attractive as the main theme seemed to be heraldic ... oh, the agonies of empire ... and the figures, which i haven't bothered to photograph, seemed to lack animation & emotion, neither of which any religion can really do without

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mysterious heraldry at st. laurance's church, hawkhurst

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the battersea elephant, again !

he's still there, or at least he was at about a quarter to four !

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the battersea elephant, and again

the light was just a little better & the elephant was still there so i took some more pictures this afternoon

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?animatronic? elephant

i couldn't get close but managed to get this view from the nearby railway bridge across four lanes of traffic

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more battersea elephant stuff ..

if you blow this one up you can see some of the hydraulics behind his trunk

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more battersea puppetry ...

this ?animatronic? girl must be about 25 feet tall

they were just dismantling her when i arrived at the roadside opposite the power station this afternoon

sorry the picture is fuzzy, it's only a little camera & she was about three hundred yards away

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