Thursday, June 16, 2005

new battersea skyscape Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

first light in battersea park Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

if ....

i said to her, if you really loved me then you'd have written a list of things for me to complain about when i've run out of ideas for things to complain about ....

on putney bridge at dawn Posted by Hello

on the way to work at dawn in putney Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

on the way home from work ... battersea bridge Posted by Hello

on the way to work ... battersea peace pagoda Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005

charcoal ovens near warnham in surry Posted by Hello

looking out from a little church in kent Posted by Hello

on the way to work, wandsworth park Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

makers of excellent medals, cast, patinated, and polished Posted by Hello

v at the foundry with the "blonde" medal Posted by Hello

v with the olive-coloured medal Posted by Hello

the medal is finished

my sister v came to london and we went to the foundry to collect the medals she designed in memory of colin and sylvia forward

above you'll find several pictures of the designer and one of the sign outside the foundry

joe bialik's tree is still living Posted by Hello

adam and eve at hardham church, west sussex Posted by Hello

hardham church in west sussex Posted by Hello

a busy day

first of all two pictures from hardham church which is a little gem near pulborough in west sussex

then a picture of joe bialik's tree, because it still lives, and because i miss him

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

the plane tree pushing out new leaves Posted by Hello

Friday, June 03, 2005

it fell out of a little tree in burwash high street Posted by Hello

traction engine at piltdown Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005

you know its summer when the elderflower pollen gets right up yer nose Posted by Hello

how do i know its summer ?

i know its summer when i step outside after a cool damp night and my nostrils are scoured by the smell of elderflower

when there is a traffic jam of people wanting to buy plants outside every d.i.y

when i see hooray henry types in pressed shirts and creased trousers drenching other with ice buckets after a champagne binge in the kings' road

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

the distinguished artisans, sam and damon Posted by Hello

v's medal Posted by Hello

v's medal Posted by Hello

the medallists

the large medal my sister v modelled in wax to commemorate our parents has now been cast in bronze

the two halves were welded together ... with some difficulty i should imagine

all that remains is for the guys to polish and patinate or vice versa !

more pictures when the job is done, hopefully in about a week

the captive white boy, santiago mckinn, by camillus sidney buck fly Posted by Hello

anonymous ? Posted by Hello

black history mystery

if you go to

and study the picture ...

you'll find a little boy who was surrendered after five months in the company of injuns

BUT who was the little BLACK boy at the left of the picture ?

was he captive too ?

this picture was taken in a desert canyon, twenty five miles south of the arizona-mexico border, fully twenty years after the American Civil war had ended

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

a great bit of skyline from the approach to tower bridge Posted by Hello