Wednesday, December 07, 2005

One of my favourites ... by Siegfried Sassoon, yer actual Officer and Gentleman


December stillness, teach me through your trees

That loom along the west, one with the land,

The veiled evangel of your mysteries.

While nightfall, sad and spacious, on the down

Deepens, and dusk imbues me where I stand,

With grave diminishings of green and brown,

Speak roofless Nature, your instinctive words;

And let me learn your secret from the sky,

Following a flock of steadfast journeying birds

In lone remote migration beating by.

December stillness, crossed by twilight roads,

Teach me to travel far and bear my loads.

a misty pond above bodiam

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sunlight and frost at newhaven fort

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a fisherman going out from newhaven this morning

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

a last glimpse as the ferry from newhaven to dieppe exits stage left beyond cuckmere haven

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ponies at frog firle near alfriston

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saint andrews church at bishopstone near seaford, almost too tidily restored ...

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... with twelfth century corbels ...

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... and bishopstone bird life, jackdaws and weather cock

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you couldn't make it up ...

i drove past a bus queue on this freezing morning

six of the seven looked rigid and miserable

the seventh was a stout party, about eighteen stone, with a wide and guileless face, dressed in the kind of charity shop clothes from long passed decades that a caring institution might provide

he stood with feet wide apart and bounced up and down, his head thrown back, his right hand using a half-eaten apple as a plectrum for his air guitar

Monday, November 28, 2005

you've probably encountered bob ...

some people are tone deaf

some people are colour blind

i don't got religion but i know how to slack

which is why just about anything emanating from the church of the sub-genius will usually make me laugh

three big rooms brimming with every kind of emotion

the paula rego exhibition in brighton is a cracker, so i went twice !

Friday, November 25, 2005

must see ...

paul fusco's photographic essay for magnum is here ...

i have nothing to add