Wednesday, May 17, 2006

gosh ! how posh !

right royal heraldry at st dunstan's parish church, cranbrook, kent

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memorial in st dunstan's church, cranbrook, kent

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fabulous clock with white dove and pink magnolia

st dunstan's parish church, cranbrook, kent

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best butcher in etchingham ... nigel jarvis

i pretended to be taking a photograph of the bell, but he guessed he was in the picture, too, & was backing away

see the nice blue tiles

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Monday, May 15, 2006

victor chapman

today was his last as branch librarian at battersea library on lavender hill

the very best

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battersea bridge and power station at 0430

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Friday, May 12, 2006


can't say what they mean, don't mean what they say !

one of the lads at work was trying to find the number of the duty phone

it is a mobile that passes between shift managers which we can all contact in moments of perplexity

trouble was, he was looking in the section of the directory under the letter "G"

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

seasonal stuff

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has steve bell become the greatest british political cartoonist since gillray ?

this caricature of blair in a tailspin is from today's guardian

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jill roberts

e-mailed from the wild west

the last time i saw her she was a teenager & turning cartwheels

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

rastafarian exuberance in wandsworth

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rasta spelling mistake ? or what ...

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the watch cost less than the chocolates

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orgasmic porridge

to one bowl of scorching porridge add

chopped banana


half a teaspoon of powdered ginger

blowing on the porridge will cool it and the tongue

bananas by cezanne

if mrs cezanne had bought gold plates the whole history of modern art might have taken a different direction

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