Friday, March 10, 2006

another side of brighton

the charming olde view along shoreham harbour as you approach from the west

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findon church, near worthing in west sussex

you get this tantalising glimpse for about two seconds from the main road as you pass through the south downs towards the coast

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after the rain

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more sphinxes than you can shake a stick at !

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

a storm brewing above battersea dogs & cats home

we had thunder and lightning and hail and cycling home was less enjoyable than usual

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may's folly at hadlow in kent

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

popped along the river bank ...

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... in case the oxford crew needed some advice on ...

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... how to handle their oars !

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three beautiful sounds

the cacophony of an espresso machine
in a tiled & smoke-filled bar
with twenty five spaniards
all shouting at the television

the hiss of the breaking wave
rushing back down the pebbles
on brighton beach

the ear-splitting merriment of
a feasting flock of sparrows

... and a fourth

the turbo-charged,
organ-loft storm
of George Collinson's voice
in the middle of a joyous rant !