Friday, July 14, 2006

vices ? in venice ?

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the astrological clock in san marco

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the campanile gates in the piazza san marco

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you never really notice the campanile gates ...

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'cos the campanile gates are almost always open

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divieto de affissione

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i should have been a vicar

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isn't that venetian red ?

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piety and futurism colliding painfully outside the ferrovia

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show-off lighting

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the other lovely astrological clock ... at padua

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overdue for restoration, the astrological clock at padua

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built for comfort

a shopper's friend in the markets at padua

a great city for bicycles ... it is pretty flat and there are thousands of students and easy-riding shoppers

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built for comfort

a trader's old friend in the fabulous market at padua

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fabulous flora

the orto botanico di padova claims to be the world's oldest surviving botanical garden in any university

whatever !

it is a delight

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allegorical figures of spring and summer in the ancient botanical garden at padua

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an early birthday present

from the magical collezione minici zotti in padua

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stencilled ? in padua

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you don't need a weather-MAN to know which way the wind blows

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