Wednesday, January 25, 2006

mad jack fuller's pyramid ...

brightling church is well worth a visit, but it was freezing cold this morning

i'll be going back soon to do it justice, when the weather is better

jack fuller was not at all mad but splendidly, generously, and heroically disinhibited

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... on a freezing foggy morning at brightling

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some very pretty numerals above the porch at brightling church

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memorial to jack fuller in brightling church

click on the picture once, and then a second time when the enlarging icon eventually appears in the bottom right corner, and you'll be able to read the text

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castings in the porch at brightling church

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brightling village post office ... once upon a time

i love the cuttters' marks on the masonry

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Sunday, January 22, 2006

pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been ?

years of searching for driftwood and oddities amongst the pebbles on brighton beach have sharpened my eyes and so i nearly fell off my bike to avoid running over this little pussy cat ... she's about 35mm x 25mm ... she's lost a couple of stones but how she escaped being crushed on one of london's busy arterial roads is a mystery

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my client will plead temporary insanity, m'lud

in the first hour of daylight, when the conscience and all aesthetic sensibilities are weakest, i murmured to the loved one, semi-dormant upon the adjacent pillow,

"if i bought you a carrier bag or two of new plasticene, you could make a life sized bust of me, brightly coloured !"

adding after insufficient consideration,

"... or marzipan !"

after a significant silence, somehow the conversation cum monologue turned to the absence of a chamberpot in our tiny residence, and whether we might have,

"wedgewood, or waterford crystal ?"