Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"move him in to the sun ... "

much later, kipling wrote these few lines ...


My son was killed while laughing at some jest. I would I knew

What it was, and it might serve me in a time when jests are few.

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no more cycling in the dark !

a glimmer of daylight over the river

i had to rest the camera on top of a lifebelt stand, it was the only flat surface around but of course it was tilted

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

wick lane, bow ... due for demolition

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traffic ... and joined-up thinking

i was reading the stickers in a queue of cars in bow, east london

fathers 4 justice have been in the news lately and one is tempted to sympathise distantly with anyone cut off from their offspring

however ... the other stickers are worth looking at

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... what do the "bad boy club" and "bunny" stickers say ...

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... about his suitability for the responsibilities of marriage & parenthood ?

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