Monday, August 14, 2006

the door to the dodgems control room

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an edwardian centaur

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carters steam yachts front end

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steam yachts rear view

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carters steam yachts explained

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don't ask ... 'cos i don't know !

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something to look forward to !

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remember, carters fair really does have working steam engines ...

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... and essential maintenance never ceases

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more grief than words can describe

the working day seems destined for an unusually early finish and i make my way cheerfully towards the office for some chat via the mens' locker room

as i open the locker room's door, a small man in factory clothing is standing behind it

he is clutching a mobile phone and has wedged himself in to a corner to weep

his english is poor

he is alone

when i ask about his trouble, he shakes his head, unable at first to put words to the shape of his pain

eventually he tells me that his sister's children, survivors of the tsunami in sri lanka, have just been killed by a government plane bombing their orphanage

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006

i'm sure rodin's burghers of calais was placed next to parliament for a reason ...

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nureyev memorial

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henry moore gets complicated

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i wonder if henry moore had a slipped disc ?

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henry moore's autograph

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we're off to see the wizard ...

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vauxhall bridge statuary

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hooray ! ... look closely and you will see that flights in to heathrow have resumed

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a shock

i was walking on the south bank from battersea towards vauxhall this afternoon when some squabbling seagulls dropped this poor young eel at my feet

it's proper name is/was anguilla anguilla

it must have been dead but, hoping it might only be stunned, i put it back in to the river

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blimey ! some of them are ten feet high !

... so i think it must be hogweed rather than angelica

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