Monday, February 27, 2006

never underestimate a fellow human being

i still haven't figured out how to use links, so apologies for an untidy page

since making a couple of ( VERY SHORT ) visits to the navajo and hopi people i've tried to keep up with some of their issues & achievements via the internet

here are two nice stories, fresh today,lalli,72326,15.html


DCveR said...

Your links seem to be working fine, now if you want to you can edit your html in order to make it look nicer.
When you insert a link you get something like:
< a href="???" > ??? < / a>

where ??? is the address to the site you want to link to.

The ??? bit in front of href is the working part of the link and you must use the right address, but the ??? part between > < you can edit, changing it to whatever text you want. Hope this was helpful, if you need any more assistance you can e-mail me.

tristan said...

thanx dcver ... i'll have a go asap