Monday, August 11, 2008

professor esoterica conjectures ... was paolozzi's vision subliminally referencing a fatal incident in graceland ?

editor's footnote:
the professor had just come from boots the chemist ... having forked out £19.99 for some reading glasses in order to get a clear view of the minutae on display in the british library's magnificent ramayana exhibition ... and he he will be returning to the library for a third "peek"


Anonymous said...

Looks like someone has left a three piece suite adjacent to Isaac - sponsored by DFS? Great framing with those luvverly gates - designed by David Kindersley, pupil of Eric Gill. Still can't make my mind up if I like the building or not.

tristan said...

i don't like the building ... i wish they had gone further in their effort to match it to saint pancras ( they used the same bricks )

it would have done no harm to go higher and to have raised a few spires or towers