Saturday, January 31, 2009

an late afternoon stroll on the south bank


Unknown said...

I know where you've been strolling. One of the best places to stroll in the whole world in my biased view.

Rouchswalwe said...

You have a nice wheel ~ couple motif going on with these four shots. What is the deeper meaning, I wonder? Ah, the word verification was 'roterimm'. The mystery thickens.

Lorenzo said...

The boat behind the two sea gulls is a great optical illusion, how on earth did it get under that bridge?

tristan said...

plutarch.. i agree, although i'd prefer the paseo on some balmy spanish seaside promenade right now

rouchswalwe ... no deeper meaning but now you've identified a theme, i'll keep one eye open for further incidences of happy coupledom

tractorstats ... there's a higher arch at the centre of the bridge, and maybe the funnels can fold down