Monday, January 26, 2009

morning has broken ... elsewhere

one of the joys of the internet thingy is that, just as the sun is about to set in putney, you can watch the dawn eight hours away in yosemite valley


Rosie said...

goddam it this science thingy is a wonderful....thingy

Lorenzo said...

That's the Half Dome that Greg climbed.

Blue String Soup said...

Most uplifting when the sun has almost gone by 5 o'clock here - I'll definitely take a look at the Yosemite cam; thanks for pointing it out.

Unknown said...

I thought for a moment that your motor delivery thingy had transported you across the Atlantic as the sun was setting.The word verification things is "sworcar" so perhaps that is the answer.

tristan said...

rosie, tractor stats, foggy notion, and plutarch ... a warm welcome to you each, and thanx for visitin'