Friday, July 07, 2006

southern hawker ... r.i.p.

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someone has been stockpiling treetrunks on the quay at shoreham harbour next to the new gas fired power station

you can see only about half the length of the pile in this picture

perhaps they are expecting to run out of gas

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

current reading material, long delayed

it is better than tristram shandy ! no, really !

i wish i'd read it years ago

i might be a couple of chapters further on by now but i couldn't get comfortable on that iron bench by the river in wandsworth park ... why can't they make one in my size ?

lionel trilling & nabokov on youtube

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Monday, July 03, 2006

ugly minds equals ugly football

wayne might profitably spend the next month doing some yoga and getting his ears fixed

i doubt if much can be done for his delusions ... he's seen the video and he's innocent ... ok ?

plane, privet & lime trees in flower

these perfumes thicken the air around our place ... i love them all, but it's a desperate time for anyone with hay-fever ... the scent of a flowering plane tree is very like mimosa

battersea dogs and cats

having slept through the alarm, whilst dreaming about long journeys, i happened to pass this wall just as the sun was playing tricks with my eyes ...

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Sunday, July 02, 2006