Thursday, April 24, 2008

burt lancaster and nick cravat in the crimson pirate ... the dvd is out in the uk

of course it is rubbish, most of the acting and the script are lamentable ... but its the kind of rubbish small boys like me would have loved to watch in the sevenpenny seats at the athelstan cinema in malmesbury on a saturday afternoon in about 1957 ... and i'm always willing to watch burt making the most out of any role ... have you seen the leopard, or trapeze ?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

describe the horoscope, haruspicate, or scry

after i'd eaten this lightly bruised pink lady ...

... and just as the loved one was buttoning up her jacket to sally forth ... i aimed a misguided compliment in her direction ... "you're looking very upper class today !" ... a particular sort of look told me that i should have said above, or beyond, rather than upper

Thursday, April 17, 2008

the kiss principle

many years ago, a geordie feller gave me a job in the silicon chip design business
so i was quite surprised when he turned out to be a real high flyer
then he introduced me to his mate, a real live professor from california ... who turned out to be another geordie
the first design principle they taught me was THE KISS PRINCIPLE
... "Keep It Simple, Stupid !"
of course, it turned out to be an aspiration rather than a rule
the universe abhorrs a vacuum and life is the antithesis of simplicity
i dedicate this picture to their laughter ... and to their memory

Wednesday, April 16, 2008